Why you should consider outsourcing your IT department
Infomation Tecnology, commonly known as IT, is the use of computer systems, software, etc to manage your company’s information and digital assets. Some companies use different terminology however, regardless of the name you want to give it, the IT department of a company, regardless of its size, is the responsible for managing and keeping your your digital infrasctructure safe.
Depending on the amoung of employees, office branches you may have among other factors, your IT department would be comprised of Systems Administrators, Database Administrators, Tier 1 Support staff and so forth.
Why outsource it
Every 18 months, the processing power doubles, and as such, when it comes to technology, its on permanent evolution.
One of the most important facts to consider is, the time your IT staff is investing in solving day-to-day IT issues.
If your company does not have an IT department, and your staff is spending time trying to solve technical issues, rather than being focussed on the job they should be doing, this is a clear indication that there is a situation that needs to be addresses.
We bring Expertise
This is what we do. Managing hundreds of server, from Windows, Linux, to more sophisticated platforms is what we have built our business on for the past 8+ years.
The main reason behind outsourcing your IT department is cost. By outsourcing your IT department, the company does not have to worry about hiring extra personnel, increasing the current staff’s hours, or having to deal with all the financial implications of having on-site IT staff.
Outsourcing will increase productivity and allow for a more effective and gratifying customer experience.
How Much will you Save
The benefit you will see, depends on the size of your company. Generally speaking, the expected Return on Investment (ROI) is 45% on average in cost reduction, with an increase in productivity as a direct cause. The time it takes for your staff to solve technical issues, is time best invested in your company’s core business and development.